24 – 48 Hours Before Death

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Beth Cavenaugh

I have been a nurse for 27 years and am certified in Hospice and Palliative Care (since 2009). I helped to take care of my mom when she died in 1998 and realized the profound nature of this work and the difficulties of caring for someone you love. I started working as a hospice nurse in 2006 and continue to feel a deep call to this work. I presently work in a small in-patient hospice home. I write and educate about end-of-life care because I hope to demystify death and dying so that more people will walk toward this powerful life event rather than run away from it. I want everyone to exit this world knowing their wishes will be respected, they will be taken care of, and they will be comfortable in the final stage of their beautiful life.

What are your feelings
Updated on February 7, 2024

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